Bodhicitta Malta
Buddhist teachings in Malta
The Project
Research on the Buddhist people and communities of Malta is being carried out for the purpose of including a chapter about Malta in the forthcoming Handbook of Buddhism in Europe edited by Martin Baumann (University of Lucerne), Jørn Borup (Aarhus University) and Knut Axel Jacobsen (University of Bergen), to be published next year by Brill in the series Handbook of Oriental Studies, Section 2 South Asia.
How you can help
If you are Buddhist, or you know someone who is, you can:
1) fill out this form or send it to your Buddhist friend(s). There are around twenty questions in it - but you don't have to answer all of them - and you can write as much, or as little, as you like. You can save your answers and return to the form later on. Saving or sending the form will not share your email address with us unless you enter it in the space provided.
2) if you prefer or would also like a spoken interview about your experience as a Buddhist in Malta, call or email me, and I will contact you for a meeting. We can meet n person or by zoom, and, although the interview audio will be recorded, your name will be kept confidential and all published data will be anonymized.
About me
My name is Colette Sciberras and I am a teacher of Philosophy at Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary in Naxxar, as well as the founder and chair of Bodhicitta Malta. I hold a PhD in Buddhist Philosophy and the Ideals of Environmentalism from Durham University and I went for refuge to the Three Jewels for the first time in 2002. I am Maltese and have lived in Malta for most of my life.